Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (AWL) is a beloved farming simulation game that has captured the hearts of gamers since its release date on GameCube and PlayStation 2.
One of the most liked aspects of the game is building relationships with the various villagers who live in the town of Forget-Me-Not Valley. Similar to other Harvest Moon games, you need to meet, talk, and give people gifts as often as possible if you want to befriend them.
Giving acceptable gifts to the residents of Forget-Me-Not Valley is one of the most important ways to build relationships and increase your friendship points (FP) in the game.
By learning their favorite gifts, you'll quickly become the talk of the town and unlock all kinds of exciting events and rewards.
This gift guide will cover some of the most loved gifts in the Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Ready to gain friendships with people? It's time to start gift-giving!
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life characters: likes, dislikes, and rewards
To help you navigate this complex gift-giving list, we've made this favorite gift guide easier to access and sort the names from A to Z.
From simple flower gifts to home-cooking foods to minerals, you can use the following items to increase villager relationship points in Harvest Moon: AWL Special Edition for PS2, PS4, and even PS5.
Gifts for eligible bachelorettes
Celia Gifts
Loves: Flowers, eggs, vegetables, crystals, shiny coinsDislikes: Fossils
Reward: Be your wife
Lumina Gifts
Loves: Flowers, sweets, fried sweet potato, golden wool, strawberry cakeDislikes: Fossils
Reward: Music sheet (GC), Be your wife (SE)
Muffy Gifts
Loves: Flowers, precious ores, crystals, shiny coins, sweetsDislikes: Fossils, Colombo fish
Reward: Be your wife
Nami Gifts
Loves: Clay statues, fossils, blue trick flowers, curryDislikes: items other than those she loved
Reward: Be your wife
Other Townsfolk:
Takakura Gifts
Loves: Home cooking (Any cooked meal), s-grade crops, s-grade milkDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Tartan (hybrid crops)
Carter Gifts
Loves: Fish, milk, cheese, melon, watermelon, sashimiDislikes: -
Reward: Record - Summer Memories, Chihuahua (pet)
Chris Gifts
Loves: Apples, flowers, milk, and fruit juiceDislikes: Vegetable cake
Reward: Record - The Bridge, Fortune-telling
Cody Gifts
Loves: Eggs, flowers, ores, crystals, and bonesDislikes: Curry
Reward: Painting, Statue, Strange sickle (GC)
Daryl Gifts
Loves: Fish, eggs, earth soup, fossils, bones, and coinsDislikes: Something that he wasn't interested in
Reward: Seed maker
Dr. Hardy Gifts
Loves: Flowers, fish, bones, fossilsDislikes: Curry
Reward: Weird sickle
Flora Gifts
Loves: Butter, fish, milk, cheese, clay statues, fossils, curry, mushroom curry, s-grade cropsDislikes: Bad quality fruits and vegetables
Reward: Necklace
Galen Gifts
Loves: Fish, fish stew, s-grade vegetables, apples, mugwortsDislikes: Low-quality vegetables
Reward: Fishing rod G
Grant Gifts
Loves: Eggs, golden eggs, milk, goat's milk, sashimiDislikes: Coins
Reward: Alarm clock
Griffin Gifts
Loves: Coins, fish, sashimi, mist moon flowers, trick blue, crystals, golden eggsDislikes: Butter
Reward: Record - Marine Jazz
See also: Fishing Guide: How to Catch All Fish in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Gustafa Gifts
Loves: Flowers, coins, clay statues, ores, curry, mushroom curryDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Drums (children's toy), Strange sickle?
Hugh Gifts
Loves: Milk, coins, sashimiDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Record - HMAWL SE
Kassey Gifts
Loves: Flowers, crystals, coins, fish, milkDislikes: -
Reward: Record (only if you beat him or Patrick in the Territory Capture game 10 times)
Kate Gifts
Loves: Flowers, curry, coins, moon ores, melonsDislikes: Carrot cake, egg, vegetable cake
Reward: Record - Winter HM
Marlin Gifts
Loves: Eggs, milk, home cooking, s-ranked vegetables, stamina potionsDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Record - Butterfly.
Mukumuku Gifts
Loves: Flowers (Accept five different flowers in one day), Eggs, FishDislikes: -
Reward: Record - Joy of Fall, Lizard
Murrey Gifts
Loves: All foods, except made of fishDislikes:
Reward: Nothing. Save your money.
Nina Gifts
Loves: Flowers and milkDislikes: -
Reward: Nothing. Save your money.
Patrick Gifts
Loves: Flowers, cheese, crystals, eggs, fish, silver coins, sweet potato soup, yam soupDislikes: Watermelons
Reward: Fireworks (children's toy)
Rock Gifts
Loves: Butter, cheese, fodder, gratin, mist moon flowers, toy flowers, human-shaped artifacts, coins, mushroom, tomato melon salad, cheese, earth soupDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Record - Flowerbud Fall
Romana Gifts
Loves: Flowers, bones, fish, milk, gold coins, clay statues, and orangesDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Cat, Music sheet, Watering can W
Ruby Gifts
Loves: Flowers, milk, butter, curry, crystals, gratin, tomatoes, cheese, and grapesDislikes:
Reward: Ruby's spice (seasoning)
Samantha Gifts
Loves: Flowers, milk, and sashimiDislikes: -
Reward: None. Save your money.
Sebastian Gifts
Loves: Cheese, butter, eggs, milk, clay artifacts, crystals, fossilsDislikes: -
Reward: None
Tim Gifts
Loves: Eggs, milk, goat’s milk, and coinsDislikes: Curry
Reward: Wooden Hoe
Van Gifts
Loves: Eggs, statues, coins, oresDislikes: Unknown
Reward: A negotiation to sell your things at a higher price
Vesta Gifts
Loves: Flowers, milk, ores, curry, and earth soupDislikes: -
Reward: Wooden watering can, Silver Strange Hoe (SE)
Wally Gifts
Loves: Eggs, milk, coins, cheeseDislikes: Unknown
Reward: Wool clippers, Medal
Best times to give people gifts
Most villagers have some working schedule, but it can also be unpredictable.
One thing to note is that many villagers enjoy walking, especially early in the mornings and evenings.
This time around is a great time to give gifts since they will be more relaxed and receptive.
It's best to avoid giving gifts when villagers are busy with their daily routines. For example, when Lumina is playing her piano.
So, wait until they take a break or have finished their work for the day.
Final thoughts
As we wrap up this gift guide for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for PS2, PS4, and PS5, we hope you've found some valuable tips to enhance your gameplay experience.
Remember! Building relationships with the villagers is crucial in progressing through the next chapter, and giving them their favorite items at the right time is the key to success.
Another factor to consider is the quality of the gift. Giving a higher-quality item, such as an S-grade vegetable or golden egg, can vastly increase the friendship points compared to a regular one.
By paying attention to each character's likes and dislikes, timing, and quality, you can boost your relationship levels and unlock new events, opportunities, and rewards.
We hope this guide will be helpful for those seeking to improve their gift-giving knowledge in this charming farming simulator. Thanks for reading!