What Does Riririri Ririri Mean on TikTok?

Riririri translate. Ririririri translation. Ririri military code. What Does 'ririririri riririri' Translate on TikTok?

There is a bizarre phenomenon currently hitting the TikTok social media platform. Most TikTok users today are basically confused by the meaning, translation, and mystery of the language of "riririri" in the comments.

Sometimes you find that the variation of the comment is not always 8 letters 'riririri', but it can be "ririri," "ririririri," "ririririririri," and so on.

riririri meaning

"What does 'riririri' actually mean? Is 'ririri' a slang word or a language from another planet?"

I asked myself, and maybe you thought the same when you first found it out.

Finally, I, who was curious, decided to investigate this strange phenomenon myself. Here are the results I got...

What 'Riririri' Means on TikTok

The results were quite surprising. Whatever word related to "riririri" when translated with the TikTok feature, the meaning can be various and diverse. In fact, some meanings become really scary, dark, and disturbing.

You don't believe it?

Please try to translate by tapping and holding the "ririri," "riririri," or related comments in a video on TikTok. Look at the translation for yourself.

Every time some user comments with those words, then you translate them into your native language, the meaning can differ from one another. It looks really unique and interesting if you think about it.

TikTok Riririri Translate

Yes, even though the translation is rather unnatural and kinda creepy if you read it in your language. For example, some meanings of "riririri" which I tried to translate myself. These translated into:

  • it's crying
  • it screams
  • it's a cry for help
  • it's a dream come true
  • it stands
  • it's only a matter of time
  • it's over
  • sadness and sorrow
  • and others

Most likely, you will find it difficult to get a detailed explanation of the translation of ririririri with the "riririri meaning" keyword on Google. A few hints, maybe you can get from Google Translate.

What 'Riririri' Means According to Google Translate

Google Translate doesn't actually give much meaning to the word. In fact, the translation is the same as what you type. However, it could identify the words as what language and where they came from.

If you type the word "riririri" into Google Translate, it will be detected as Maori. The Maori language is spoken by one of the indigenous tribes of New Zealand. It is an endangered language.

If you type the word "iririri," it will detect Shona or Xhosa, one of the native and official languages of Zimbabwe and South Africa.

What 'Riri' Means in Maori

My search continued until I found a helpful site related to this phenomenon. So I might as well include it here. According to the Maori dictionary, it means:

(Verb) to scold, tell off, be angry, annoyed, enraged, furious, infuriated, irate, outraged. 

(Noun) anger, fight, rage, quarrel, wrath. 

Basically, the meaning of 'Riri' in Maori is a word that refers to expressions of anger, rage, fury, annoyance, and the like.

So, does the translation of "Riririri" that you find on TikTok still have anything to do with what the above site says?


Is this just an error, bug, or glitch from TikTok that causes the translation to be inaccurate and awful?

Argh, I don't know, I don't really know. So many questions still become a mystery. I'm done with my investigation here.

Trend Origin: Ririri Meme Song

This is some additional information.

The term "riririri" originates from a piece lyric of the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," which was sung by The Tokens. Solomon Linda wrote and recorded the original song under the title "Mbube" for the Gallo Recording Company in South Africa.

It eventually became widely popular when many of the pop artists and bands of its time adapted and covered it in English. The cover song was also used in the animated film The Lion King.

They (netizens) usually use the sound in videos and recently Among Us memes. Especially in a hurtful situation when someone is about to experience bad luck or an accident that can be fatal. For example, in the situation of a lion getting into someone's car, which might trigger a UFC fight.

The word of the lyric is actually "a-wee" repeated several times, but the tone sounds like "hiririri" or is changed as "riririri" by the netizens. Some people believe that it's a military code.

That's the explanation of what "riririri ririri" actually means on TikTok. I hope it will give you some insight. If you have more interesting information, feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!

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