"What is Perch? Where can I buy Perch?"
Some people who are new to Natsume's Harvest Moon might ask these questions.
The Perch is actually a type of fish in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (LoH). You only get it from fishing, and you can't buy it from any shop.
In this Harvest Moon, Perch is the required item to restore Bastian's restaurant in the town. You can also substitute it with Yellow Perch. The real question is, "What are the specific tips for getting these fish?"
How to Get Perch in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Perch is a fish that you can catch in any season and time. Most of its species live in the rivers on your farm. However, you can catch it at other fishing spots in the mountains.
As soon as you get your fishing rod, buy regular bait from Sam, head down to the river southern part of your farm, and fish there. If you're lucky enough, you'll get the Perch fairly easily.
If you don't know how to catch the fish, this probably helps: How to Fish in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.
Summary of Perch
Season: AnyTime: All-day
Location: Farm, Mountain
Bait: Regular
Description: Caught on the farm all year round. For cooking.
How to Get Yellow Perch in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
It isn't that much different from Perch. The general locations for catching them are the same, on your farm and in the mountain region, but you may need a better type of bait to catch them easily.
I personally also found it often when I fished in the body of water right outside the Harvest Goddess Spring. There, you have a chance to catch Yellow Perch without using bait, but it isn't common to happen, though.
Summary of Yellow Perch
Season: AnyTime: All-day
Location: Farm, Mountain
Bait: Regular, Good
Description: Caught on the farm all year round. For cooking.
You can get some of the above information from the Encyclopedia after you have caught the fish. Open it via the menu on the top right corner of the screen.
Tip: if you have a lot of fish of the same species, you better sell them to Bastian. He will pay a higher price than you sell them to Sam.
That's How to Get Perch and Yellow Perch in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. Now you can try it by yourself. Good luck!