Calendar | Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Guide

This guide is for you who want to know the villagers' birthdays, contests, and festivals chronologically in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.

This page contains information about all things related to the calendar in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (BTN).

The calendar is one of the important features in farming sim games such as Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and Rune Factory. So I want to talk about it more, but this time, for Back to Nature.

Calendar of Event in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, the calendar is available from the beginning of the game. You can see and interact with it on the wall inside your house.

This calendar generally serves as a reminder to find out all events such as festivals, contests, and also villagers' upcoming birthdays. In essence, it makes it easy for us to manage the playtime of the game.

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Calendar

There are 4 seasons in a year; Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. In each season, there are 30 days. Here, I've made the events that occur in each season chronologically to make your walkthrough easier.

Spring Calendar

Date Event
1 New Year Festival
2 Louis's Birthday
4 Bold's Birthday
8 Goddess Festival
11 Saibara's Birthday
14 Thanksgiving Festival
15 Staid's Birthday
16 Elli's Birthday
17 Barley's Birthday
18 Horse Race
19 Lillia's Birthday
20 Elli's Birthday (Alt)
22 Cooking Festival
26 Aqua's Birthday
29 Greg's Birthday
30 Sasha's Birthday

Summer Calendar

Date Event
1 Opening Day
3 Popuri's Birthday
4 Harris's Birthday
6 Cliff's Birthday
7 Chicken Festival
10 Popuri's Birthday (alt)
11 Basil's Birthday
12 Tomato Festival
16 Timid's Birthday
17 Ann's Birthday
20 Cow Festival
22 Kai's Birthday
22 Ann's Birthday (alt)
24 Fireworks Day
25 Thomas's Birthday
29 Zack's Birthday

Fall Calendar

Date Event
2 Gotz's Birthday
3 Music Festival
5 Stu's Birthday
5 Ann's Mother's Memorial
9 Harvest Festival
10 Hoggy's Birthday
11 Manna's Birthday
13 Moon-Viewing Day
14 Chef's Birthday
15 Karen's Birthday
17 Docter's Birthday
20 Carter's Birthday
21 Sheep Festival
23 Anna's Birthday
23 Karen's Birthday (alt)
27 Rick's Birthday

Winter Calendar

Date Event
2 Kano's Birthday
6 Gray's Birthday
10 Dog Race
11 Doug's Birthday
13 Ellen's Birthday
14 Thanksgiving Festival
15 Duke's Birthday
19 Won's Birthday
20 Marry's Birthday
22 Nappy's Birthday
24 Star Night Festival
25 Marry's Birthday (alt)
26 May's Birthday
29 Jeff's Birthday
30 New Year's Party

Choosing your birthday at the start of the game will affect other people's birthdays. So it would be better if you select a date that hasn't been used by other villagers.

I deliberately did not make this guide more detailed because I wanted to make the other pages about the villager's favorite gifts, and main events separately.

That's the explanation about the Calendar in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Hopefully, this short guide will be useful for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this page.

1 comment

  1. Oh that's useful! It was exactly what I needed to include the dates in my emu script, I couldn't find a table like this with all the events and birthdays in the whole web