How to Part-Time Work in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

Earn money and valuable items through Part-time jobs in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley [HM: HoLV].

Part-time work is one of the activities that you can do in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley (HoLV). You can work to get extra money easily at the beginning of the game.

Remember, we are always born poor in Harvest Moon games. Unless you use cheats, yes obviously you can become a rich kid who has lots of money all of a sudden.

How to Part-Time Work in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

There are at least 5 types of part-time jobs in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. You have to interact with different villagers to start your job. Each job also has different requests and the amount of fees is different too.

This sometimes causes players to get confused about how to do it. Because we are still poor, this information must be known by Harvest Moon players, especially those who are new to this game.

Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley: How to Part-Time Work

First, you must meet and get to know all the villagers as much as you can on the first day of the game. If you can't do it because you don't know or can't find the location of the person you're looking for, then continue this activity the next day.

1. Take Care of Animals

Where: Starling Ranch
Time: From 8 AM to 5 PM, except Thursday and rainy days

Payment: 100G per hour + Milk S
Other info: You need a little stamina

This is one job that earns extra money and helps our economy at the beginning of the game. In addition, you can get a horse in the summer if Bob feels you have done a good job of taking care of his animals!

Talk to Bob at his shop to start the job. He will ask for your help to take care of four horses and one cow.

Start by talk and brush your favorite horse, which you want to get later. Continue with all the other animals and don't forget to milk the cow.

After that, go into the barn and fill all the empty animal feed containers with fodders.

At this point, your work is actually done, but you can wait until the work time runs out if you want to get the maximum pay.

2. Cut Lumbers

Where: Woody's Carpentry
Time: From 9 AM to 2 PM, except Tuesday. Thursday, and Rainy days

Payment: 200G + Bonus (Lumbers and Mushrooms)
Other info: You need a lot of stamina

Talk to Old Man 'Woody' to start the job. He will ask you to cut down dead wood trees to get the lumber that will be given to him.

You do this work 5 times for money, only then can you keep the lumbers you cut for yourself.

Don't forget to bring food to replenish your stamina because if you want to get maximum results, you have to work hard, which means you need a lot of stamina for execution.

Also read: How to Get Lumber Easly and Quickly in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

3. Take Care of Chickens

Where: Ronald's Grocery Store
Time: 8 AM - 3 PM, from Monday to Saturday, Closed on Sundays and Rainy days

Payment: 230G + 1 egg
Other info: You don't need stamina

Talk to Ronald to start the job. He will ask you to take care of his chickens. There are 6 of them. You are required to feed, then collect the six eggs produced by the chickens.

This job does not require a lot of stamina but takes three hours of play. Ronald pays 230G for your hard work, plus one of the eggs you collect.

This egg is very valuable at the beginning of the game because you can save 500G and put it in an incubator to get your first chicken.

4. Cooking

Where: Clove Villa
Time: 10:00 AM - 15:00 PM, from Monday to Friday

Payment: 250g + Bonus
Other info: You don't need stamina

Talk to Martha in the kitchen to start the job. You are assigned to cook something according to Martha's request, using cooking utensils and ingredients available in the kitchen.

Basically, just follow the instructions given by Martha. If you fail, you will be paid 50G. The remaining ingredients for cooking will be given to you as a bonus if you successfully complete your job

5. Mining

Where: Mine (in front of Funland Company building)
Time: 9 AM - 1 PM, from Monday to Friday

Payment: 300G + Bonus (ores)
Other info: You need a lot of stamina

Talk to Rudolf in the mine to start the job. He wants you to mine there. You have to do this work 5 times for money. After that, you can mine yourself without asking for permission from him anymore.

This is the most difficult job and sometimes confuses new players, so maybe you need more time to learn how it works.

That's how you part-time work in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. I hope this could be useful. Thanks for reading this article.

Read also: This Is What Happens When You Use Cheats in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

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