Calendar | Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide

Calendar guide of villagers' birthdays, contests, and festivals chronologically in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Switch, PS4, PC, and Android.

On this page, we will talk about all things related to the calendar in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope (LoH).

As someone who used to play Harvest Moon games developed by Marvelous and released by Natsume such as Back to Nature or Hero of Leaf Valley, you might be wondering, "Is there a calendar in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope? If so, where is it?"

Calendar - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Walkthrough

That is a normal question that arises because the calendar in Harvest Moon is quite important. It can be used for reminders and to know about all upcoming festivals or events.

Unfortunately, there is no calendar in HM: LoH. So I decided to make it for you.

Spring Calendar

Date Event
1 New Year Festival
5 Fishing Contest
7 Sam's Birthday
10 Flower Festival
14 Cyril's Birthday
16 Michelle's Birthday
18 Harvest Sprite's Birthday
21 Dean & Michael Birthday
24 Nova's Birthday
28 Tabitha's Birthday

Summer Calendar

Date Event
1 Harvest God's Birthday
5 Fishing Contest
7 Gus's Birthday
14 Sofia's Birthday
16 Shirlock's Birthday
20 Dog Race Festival
21 Melanie's Birthday
25 Fireworks Festival
28 Sally's Birthday

Fall Calendar

Date Event
1 Gorgan's Birthday
5 Fishing Contest
7 Naomi's Birthday
14 Elise's Birthday
15 Harvest Moon Festival
20 Cooking Festival
21 Bastian's Birthday
28 Gabriel's Birthday
30 Fall Festival

Winter Calendar

Date Event
1 Harvest Goddess's Birthday
2 Edmond's Birthday
5 Fishing Contest
7 Jeanne's Birthday
14 Doc's Birthday
20 Dog Race Festival
21 Gareth's Birthday
25 Starry Night Festival
28 Carol's Birthday

As a side note, choosing your birthday at the start of the game will affect other people's birthdays. So it would be better if you choose a date that is not used by other villagers.

And also, Soleil's birthday will adjust to the day he/she appears to you. So, his/her birthday will vary from one player to another.

I deliberately did not make this page more detailed because I have made articles that explain festivals and villager's favorite gifts separately.

That's the explanation about Calendar in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope for PC, PS4, Switch, and Android. I hope this could be useful.

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