
Villagers' Birthdays, Likes and Dislikes - Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories Guide

Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories Tips, Cheats, and Guide for Villagers' Birthdays, Liked and Disliked Gifts.

One of the most important things you should do to gain success in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories is increasing your friendship with the other people. If you raising friendships with them, you will trigger random events or specific memories when the friendship level is fulfilled.

Like most Harvest Moon games, simply speaking and giving the villagers a gift every day will increase their friendship points (FP).

HM SoM Gift Guide: Birthdays, Likes and Dislikes

You can give the villagers their favorite gifts to increase their friendships fast, especially if you give it on their birthdays.

Talking to a villager on his/her birthday for the first time also will trigger a Memory follows by the rewards as well.

You can see how much a villager likes your gift by the icon that appears overhead when the gift is accepted and his/her responses.

You will see the icon of floating red hearts if you gift them their favorite gift. For a gift they like, you will see a yellow musical note above his/her head.

Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories Characters: Birthdays, Likes, Dislikes

Note: "Loves" means their favorite gifts.

Spring Birthdays:


Birthday: Spring 7
Loves: Hot Pepper, Gems
Likes: Egg, Fish, Flowers, Fruits, Lumbers, Material Stone, Ores, Spinach
Dislikes: Milk


Birthday: Spring 14
Loves: Carrot, Marguerite, Sunflower, Pink Carnation, Tulip, other Flowers
Likes: Lumber, Stone, Ores, Peach, Apple, Orange, Celery, Tomato, Bread
Dislikes: Potatoes

Blossom (Pink sprite)

Birthday: Spring 18
Loves: All Flowers
Likes: Apple, Celery, Fish, Fruit, Lumber, Ores, Stone
Dislikes: Flour

Dewy (Blue sprite)

Birthday: Spring 18
Loves: All Fish
Likes: Flowers, Fruits
Dislikes: Flour

Rowan (Yellow sprite)

Birthday: Spring 18
Loves: All Great quality crops
Likes: Crops, Fish, Flowers, Fruits
Dislikes: Flour


Birthday: Spring 21
Loves:  Bamboo shoot, Fish (Mosquitofish)
Likes:  Celery, Mushroom, Grilled Fish
Dislikes:  Spicy Foods (e.g. Green, Hot, Jalapeno Pepper)


Birthday: Spring 28
Loves:  Crystal, Pumpkin
Likes:  Other Gems and ores, Sunny Red
Dislikes: Cabbage

Summer Birthdays:

Harvest God

Birthday: Summer 1
Loves: Peach, Apple, Orange, Grape Fruit, Hardwood Lumber
Likes: Fish
Dislikes: Flour


Birthday: Summer 7
Loves: Flowers (Pink Pansy, Marguerite, Dahlia, etc)
Likes: Cabbage, Spinach, Egg, Fish, Fruit, Lumbers, Milk.
Dislikes: Onions


Birthday: Summer 14
Loves: Milk
Likes: Fish, Ores, Fruits
Dislikes: Vegetables


Birthday: Summer 21
Loves: Broccoli
Likes: Bamboo shoot, Broccolini, Flowers, Fish, Food made with Flour, Potato
Dislikes: Egg, Celery


Birthday: Summer 28
Loves: Bread, Butter, Strawberry Jam, White Tulip
Likes: Bamboo shoot, Egg, Flowers, Fruits, Ores, Milk, Strawberry, Stone, Wool
Dislikes: Vegetables (Spinach)

Fall Birthdays:


Birthday: Fall 1
Loves: Flowers
Likes: Fruit, Fish
Dislikes: Ores, Gems


Birthday: Fall 7
Loves: Orange, Celery, Grapefruit
Likes: Cabbage, Potato, Spinach, other Vegetables,  Flowers, Fish, Milk, Boiled Egg, Apple, Peach.
Dislikes: Strawberries


Birthday: Fall 14
Loves:  Egg, Milk
Like: Spinach
Dislikes: Strawberries, Sweets


Birthday: Fall 17
Loves: Milk, Fried Egg, Great Egg
Likes: Corn
Dislikes: Onion, Teardrop


Birthday: Fall 21
Loves: Cabbage, Celery, Onion, Great Onion, Spinach, Zucchini, Green Pepper
Likes: Egg, Fish, Fruit, Milk
Dislikes: All Gems, Wool


Birthday: Fall 28
Loves: Softwood Lumber, Hardwood Lumber, Material Stone, Potato
Likes: Wool, Fish, Egg
Dislikes: Fruits (Apple, Orange, Peach, Strawberry)

Winter Birthdays:

Harvest Goddess

Birthday: Winter 1
Loves: Strawberries, Strawberry Jam
Likes: Fruits
Dislikes: Ores, Precious metals


Birthday: Winter 7
Loves: Apple, Strawberry
Likes:  Orange, Strawberry jam, Peach, Jams
Dislikes: Eggs


Birthday: Winter 14
Loves: Ores
Likes: Lumber, Flowers, Celery, Tomato, Stones, Red Rose, Onion, Gems
Dislikes: Fruits


Birthday: Winter 21
Loves:  Green Pepper, Viola
Likes: Bamboo shoot, Bell Pepper, Lumbers, Vegetables, Stone
Dislikes: Fish, especially Bluegill


Birthday: Winter 28
Loves: Material Stone, Refined Ores, Metals
Likes: Bamboo shot, Carrots, Lumbers, Stone
Dislikes: Bell Peppers, Green Peppers

Tabitha will tell you some information about the villagers' most favorite and dislike gifts above when she is at home.

Note: Only the most favorite and dislike gift will be written on the Encyclopedia.

That's everything you need to know about Villager's Birthdays and Favorite Gifts in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories. If there is any wrong information, I will update this page as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me via comments below. Thanks for reading this article.

Read also: How to Get Married in Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories

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