Bully English Class 1-5 Answers - All Words (100%)

Bully: Anniversary Edition cheats, wiki, tips, tricks, guide to complete the English classes 1-5 with all words (100%).

Bully: Anniversary Edition was released on Android and iOS in 2016. But I don't know why I want to make the complete answers for Bully English classes right now. Although, in fact, this is too late for the party.

But because I slightly missed the game and wanted to feel the nostalgia, so I thought it was a good idea to make this article my online personal journal.

Just like Rich Brian said in his new song, "We got history." There might be people out there who still play this game and need this guide to achieve 100% completion as well.

Bully English Class 5 Answers for Android

So yeah, Bully is now playable on mobile phones without the need to install an emulator. You must have been familiar with this game on PS2, so I think I don't need to talk too much about it anymore.

Bully English class is divided into several stages, English class 1 to 5. To finish each class, you must assemble various letters and make them into English words.

Bully English Class 1-5 Answers

You can use the answers below for Bully: Anniversary Edition Android and iOS, but you could also use them on Bully PS2, PS4, and even PS5.

Although some different answers can not be used for them. But don't worry, you can still finish all the English classes with many of these answers.

English Class 1 All Words

Compose an English word as many as possible before the class ends from various letters "LWLMOE."

Time: 3 minutes
Total words: 13

Answers: Elm, Low, Owe, Owl, Mellow, Meow, Mew, Mewl, Mole, Moll, Mow, Well, Woe, Ell, Lowe, Ole, Mol Mel.

Reward: You will earn the ability to apologize more effectively.

English Class 2 All Words

Compose an English word as many as you can before the class ends from various letters "HGIFST."

Time: 2 minutes 44 seconds
Total words: 22

Answers: Gifts, Sight, This, Fit, Fig, His, Hits, Its, Sit, Sigh, Shift, Figs, Fish, Fist, Fits, Gift, Gist, Hit, Ifs, Sift, Fight, Fights.

Reward: You will earn the ability to give better shove taunts.

English Class 3 All Words

Compose an English word as many as you can before the class ends from various letters "IMSLSE."

Time: 2 minutes 50 seconds
Total words: 25

Answers: Slime, Smile, Miles, Slimes, Smiles, Elm, Lei, Lie, Mil, Elms, Slim, Mise, Semi, Isle, Leis, Less, Lies, Lime, Mess, Mile, Miss, Isles, Limes, Seism, Semis. Ism, Isms, Mils, Sims.

Reward: You will earn the ability to apologize to prefects for small crimes.

English Class 4 All Words

Compose an English word as many as you can before the class ends from various letters "YCORNA."

Time: 2 minutes 44 seconds
Total words: 31

Answers: Crayon, Crony, Corny, Rayon, Any, Arc, Can, Car, Cay, Con, Corn, Cory, Coy, Cry, Nay, Nor, Oar, Orca, Ran, Ray, Roc, Rya, Yon, Cran, Cyan, Narc, Racy, Roan, Yarn, Acorn, Carny, Crony.

Reward: You will earn the ability to apologize to give better taunts.

English Class 5 All Words

Compose an English word as many as you can before the class ends from various letters "AGDRGE."

Time: 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Total words: 30

Answers: Ragged, Raged, Grade, Gager, Age, Are, Dag, Ear, Egg, Era, Erg, Gad, Gag, Gar, Rad, Rag, Red, Aged, Dare, Dear, Drag, Dreg, Egad, Gage, Gear, Grad, Rage, Read, Agger, Grade, Dagger

Reward: Apologize to the police for small crimes, and they will leave you alone.

Note: Words with the underscore symbol "_" means could only be used for bully PS2 and PS4.

Maybe that's just a wiki guide I could share in this article. Hopefully, this could be useful for those who need it. Thanks for reading!