Nature's Bounty - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide

The complete list of wild plants, their locations, and prices in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition for Switch, PS4, PC, and Mobile.

Foraging/Gathering Nature's Bounty

There are various wild items scattered around the beacon island that can be collected, sold, or given as gifts to the villagers in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

One of the easiest ways to earn money at the beginning of the game is to forage around and pick up those items that regrow every few days.

Nature's Bounty HM: LoH Guide

You can find bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and flowers that you can sell for profit. The types of wild items available will change each season. They also have different foraging locations.

In Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, those locations are Lighthouse Overlook, Beach: Western Area, Mountains, and Underground Entrance.

To make it more manageable for you to find all of them, here I've compiled a list of nature's bounty in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

For those of you who read this article via mobile, I suggest that you look at the tables below on the landscape screen for a better experience.


Item Name Location(s) Regrow Profit (Sam/Carol/Bastian)
Bamboo Shoot Lighthouse, Mountain 4-5 days (Faster if rain?) 30 G / 45 G
Marguerite Lighthouse, Beach, Mountain 5 days 50 G / 75 G
Tulip Mountain 5 days 70 G / 105 G


Item Name Location(s) Regrow Profit (Sam/Carol/Bastian)
Bamboo Shoot Lighthouse, Mountain 4-5 days 30 G/ 45 G
Pink Dahlia Lighthouse, Beach, Mountain 5 days 150 G / 225 G
Sunflower Lighthouse, Beach, Mountain 5 days 50 G / 70 G


Item Name Location(s) Regrow Profit (Sam/Carol/Bastian)
Carnation Lighthouse, Beach, Mountain 5 days 50 G /110 G
Cosmos Lighthouse, Beach, Mountain 5 days 70 G / 105 G
Mushroom Lighthouse, Underworld, Mountain 8 days 30 G/ 45 G
Poinsettia Lighthouse, Mountain 5 days 50 G / 75 G


Item Name Location(s) Regrow Profit (Sam/Carol/Bastian)
Mushroom Lighthouse, Beach, Underworld, Mountain 8 days 30 G / 45 G
Poinsettia Lighthouse, Mountain 5 days 50 G / 70 G

Tip: sell Bamboo shoots and Mushrooms to Bastian, while flowers to Carol for a better price.

That's all you need to know about Nature's Bounty in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. I hope this short article can be useful. Thank you very much.

Read also: Crops and Crop Mutation - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

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