The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail - Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthrough

Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthrough, Cheats and Guide: How to complete Lyla's events - The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail ending.

There are 16 event endings in Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley. In this page, I will discuss the event path#2: The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail.

Type of Event: Nature Preserve
Main Character: Lyla
Other characters involved: Parsley, Wallace, Woody, and Louis
LyLa's events: The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail Butterfly


The story is about the Blue Mist flowers and Azure Swallowtail butterflies. They are already rarely seen in the Leaf Valley, but Lyla and Parsley have a desire to make them back to the Leaf Valley.

If they were found, which means that Funland company construction would be called off because they'd have to be protected. But Lyla and Parsley can't do that alone, so they need your help!

Make sure to raise your friendship levels with Lyla and Parsley by talking and giving them a gift every day to help this event path progress,

Reward: You will unlock more flowers at Lyla's shop if you've completed this event path in year 2.

The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail - Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Walkthrough and Guide

Note: * means you don't have to see the event.

2-1: The Rare Blue Flower

When: Spring 18th to 21th, 24th, Year 1
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: In front of your house, when you come out of your house
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 20, you've already met Parsley, you've sold 4 crops.

Lyla and Parsley ask your help to bring the Blue Mist Flower to bloom in the Leaf Valley. They give you the Blue Mist Flower seed, but Parsley asks you to don't plant it yet.

Note: Go to the Clove Villa, Grocery Store, and Cafe If you want to sell your crops.

#The Conversation

Lyla: Would you come with me for a moment?

#At Lyla's shop

Parsley: Hi, your name. I wanted you to see this. This flower called "Blue Mist". *Jengjengjengjeng*. But this one is actually made of plastic. I've never seen a real one myself.

Lyla: I'd like your help to get this flower to bloom. Blue mists are very rare, and there aren't very many lefts.

Parsley: What's more, they're hard to grow. I tried growing them all around in an attempt to increase their numbers, but I wasn't successful

Lyla: When I heard parsley say that...I thought that maybe with our town's environment and your help...

Parsley: This town is a treasure trove of rare plants. It could be just the type of environment the flower needs.

Lyla: Besides, you have done such a wonderful job with his farm, even though you just arrived in the town. I wanted the help of someone as reliable as you. Would you help us? I want to see this blue flower bloom in Leaf Valley.

You: Ok*your character nodding his head.

Parsley: You will?!

Lyla: Oh, thank you!

Parsley: Well take this. It's a Blue Mist seed! But don't plant it just yet. I want to take special care where we decide to grow it. I'll come to see you after I've inspected the area around here in detail.

And if it doesn't go well this time, I've given the rest to Lyla, so come by this shop to buy them. Well, I'll be getting in touch! I know we can do this!

#In front of your house.

Lyla: I think you know this, but there are no blue flowers in this town or in my store. That's why I think it would be wonderful if such a flower bloomed. And...Hee hee.*musical note. I'm happy that Parsley is also happy.

I really do want to see these blue flowers, but I'd be happy if Parsley would stay here in Leaf Valley forever. Good luck, you have my support.

2-2: The Best Place to Plant the Seed

When: Summer 2nd to 26th, Year 1
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: In front of your house, when you come out of your house
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 30, you've sold 8 crops.

You will automatically plant the Blue Mist seed at the Harvest Goddess Spring. Parsley explains that Summer is a crucial time for Blue Mist Flower to bloom and you need to water it every day.

The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail - Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley

#The Conversation

Parsley: Hi, your name! I have something on the Blue Mist. You haven't planted it yet. have you? I suspect that a plant like this won't be able to be grown on a field. So I've walking looking for a suitable place.

Lyla: He's going to show us now. Shall we go?

#At a beautiful place, Harvest Goddess Spring.

Parsley: How's this, it seems perfect, doesn't it?

Lyla: My...Wasn't there an old shrine that honored festival tools here long ago?

Parsley: Is that right? so that's why this is the only part with dirt.

*Parsley told you to plant the seeds.

Parsley: Thanks, your name. I just want you to remember that summer is a crucial time.

Lyla: Oh, it only blooms in the summer? That's not a lot of time for a flower...

Parsley: That's right. But other than that, it should be like growing any other plant.

Lyla: Then the flowers will bloom if we water them every day.

Parsley: Tha's right, just that. Hmm...

Lyla: What is it?

Parsley: Well. There's something that's bothering me. Let's just go back for now.

#In front of your house

Parsley: I think it will take time for a flower that's originally from a different environment to acclimate itself here. There's a chance that it won't bloom by summer.

But for now, we need to grow it as best as we can or it will never adjust to this land. I just want to warn you it might take some time. Good luck, your name!

Lyla: You always have my support!

Parsley. I will be out gathering more information. You will find me coming and going from the Cafe. Come to see me some time.

Lyla: Well, see you later, your name. Let's go, Parsley. *musical note.

2-3: The Legend of the Blue Butterfly and Blue Flower

When: Year 1, Summer 9th to 12th, 14th (at 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM)
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Sunny Garden Cafe or Moon Garden Bar
Requirements: You've already met Woody or Wallace, you've sold 12 crops

Woody and Wallace tell you that they've seen Azure Swallowtail butterflies in the Leaf Valley way back then.

#The Conversation

#Inside Cafe/Bar

Parsley: Hi, you! Wallace was just telling me a good story.

Wallace: Those company suits are looking around for any endangered animals or plants that might be around here.

Because they'd have to be protected if they were found which means that Funland company construction would be called off.

Woody: Hey, now is that true?! Well, what about that...Uh, Butterfly! Isn't that endangered?

Wallace: Ah, the Azure Swallowtail was on the protected species list, although you can't find them around here anymore.

Woody: That's true...I feel like they used to be a lot of them back in the day.

Parsley: Umm, Have you heard of any rare any of rare or endangered plant around the area...?

Wallace: Hmm...sorry, I haven't.

Woody: Oh, but how about those...Those Azure Swallow...Something always fluttering around that blue flower.

Wallace: Oh yeah, that's right. Haven't seed those flowers around here either...Could it be endangered, too?

Parsley: Did you say Blue Flower? This rare and important flower used to bloom in this town?

Woody: I don't know if it's rare or not, there used to be a lot of them. And those butterflies would...

Wallace: Azure Swallowtail would towards those flowers. It was quite a sight.

Parsley:...Your name, do you think the flowers we are growing...Could they...?

Woody: Oh, what is it, your name? You guys up to something.

Parsley: Well, I'm trying to grow these blue flowers and I'm having him to help me.

Woody: Oh, is that right? Well, if they do, those Azure...Somethings might pop up.

Wallace: Well, that's something to look forward to. If we could get a picture of them, we might get this area protected.

Woody: Well, I'll go to Louis to take the picture.

Wallace: It's good to have hope. I'll be looking forward to it, Parsley, You.

#In front of Cafe/Bar

Parsley:...Seems like this has become quite a feat. I would have been fine being able to see the Blue Mist for the first time...

But if it means the town will be saved, well, that makes me happy, too. I hope the Blue Butterflies come. Well, to do that, we'll have to get those flowers to bloom first.

I know it's quite a bother, but I'd like you to go to the Goddess Spring every day to water them. I will be checking on them too.

2-4: Stay Optimistic

When: Summer 11th to 30th, Year 1
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Requirements: You have watered the flowers every day

The flower has wilted because it hasn't adjusted yet to the environment, but Parsley and Lyla are optimistic that it will be able to grow next year.

You no need to worry about taking care of the wilted flower anymore this year.

2-5: The Wilted Flower and Lyla's Unrequited Love*

When: Fall 7th to 11th, year 1
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 50

Lyla tells you about her feelings for Parsley. She says that Parsley has someone he cares about. He goes to see her when he is out on his travels. It's a mystery who she is, a girlfriend or maybe a young sister?

Thinking of her love failed to blossom, Lyla feels connected to the wilted flowers. She had like to them blossom next time, next year.

It's your chance guys, go get her if you want!

2-6: Lyla Doesn't Like Winter*

When: Winter 24th to 28th, Year 1
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Lyla's Shop
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 60, you've already met Louis

Lyla doesn't like winter that much because there aren't many flowers that are in season. She also asks you to forget what happened at the Goddess Spring.

2-7: Poor Louis*

When: Spring 9th to 14th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: In front of Lyla's Shop
Requirements: You've already met Louis

Louis jealous of you and Parsley because both of you can comfort Lyla to feel better. He just not very good at that sort of thing. He would probably end up saying something to make her feels worse.

He doesn't have confidence, doesn't know how to begin when he is standing in front of the person he likes. Even though he just wants to be able to do something for that person.

2-8: The Second Chance

When: Summer 2nd to 6th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: In front of your house, when you come out of your house
Requirements: You've already met Louis

It's your second chance to grow the Blue Mist Flower. Like last time, just don't forget to water the seed every day.

Louis makes a promise to you that he'll take a photo of the Azure Swallowtail Butterfly once the flowers bloom with his invention camera.

2-9: The Flower has Bloomed

When: Summer 11th to 29th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Requirements: The flower has bloomed.

It's important to have the flowers here until the butterflies come, so continue to water them every day.

2-10: The Photo of the Butterfly

When: Summer 12th to 30th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 90, you've sold 30 crops

The blue butterfly perched on the blue flower. Louis took a photo of the Azure Swallowtail. From now, you don't need to continue watering the flower.

2-11: Lyla's Grateful

When: Fall 6th to 9th, Fall 11th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: In front of your house, when you come out of your house
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 100

Lyla thank you for everything you've done.

Note: This is the end of Lyla's events. You got a 'Butterfly' logo on the Diary. You can stop here or you can continue following her other events if you want.

2-12: Flowers for Everyone

When: Winter 1st to 2nd, 4th, 6th or 7th, Year 2
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Inside Lyla's Shop
Requirements: Lyla's FP must be at least 120

Lyla's want to fill Leaf Valley with flowers, so she delivered the flowers around the town, including to you. You will get Wild Mint, Frost Pansy, and Stardust seeds. You can now buy them from her shop.

2-13: More Blue Mist Flower Bloom

When: Summer, Year 3
Weather: Sunny and Cloudy
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Requirements: You've completed event 2-11.

There are more Blue Mist flowers that have bloomed at the hill of the Goddess Spring. It seems they've adjusted to the Leaf Valley's environment

I hope this guide can help you finish The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail event path in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. If you still have a problem completing this ending, don't be hesitate to ask me through the comments below. Thanks.

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