How to Earn All of the Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Trophies

All of the Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Tropies and How to unlock them.

There are a lot of trophies you can earn in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. In total, the game has 28 trophies (1 platinum, 6 gold, 13 silver, and 8 bronze), both for PC and PlayStation 4.

I'm pretty sure the presence of these trophies will make you have additional goals in playing Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

How to Get All Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Trophies

Here's the full list of Harvest Moon: Light of Hope trophies and guides to unlock them.

Bronze Trophies

1. A New Friend

You need to become friends with someone.

2. A Special Friend

You need to become closer to a friend.

3. Minor Miner

You need to get a hammer to break rocks and mine ore.

4. Novice Angler

You need to get a fishing rod to catch fish.

5. Novice Logger

You need to learn the basics of farming. You will get it after completing the tutorial from Jeanne.

6. Novice Woodcutter

You need to get an Axe to cut down trees.

7. Someone by My Side

You need to become a good friend with someone.

8. That Special Someone

You need to become more than friends with someone.

Silver Trophies

1. A Boisterous Voice

You need to have a child

2. Blinded by the Light

You need to place the last stone tablet by the lighthouse and revive the beacon island.

3. Dum-Da-Da-DAA!

You need to make strawberry jam and revive the Harvest Goddess.

4. Festival Fan

You need to win the Cooking Festival, Fishing Festival, and the Dog Race on Advanced.

5. Help from Above

You need to use a medicine (Petrifaction Remedy) to cure your child of Petrifaction disease.

6. Light of Hope

You need to place the first stone tablet by the lighthouse.

7. Light of the Wind

You need to place four stone tablets by the lighthouse.

8. Light the Way

You need to place three stone tablets by the lighthouse.

9. Once in a Lifetime

You need to propose marriage to someone.

10. The Future's So Bright

You need to have your child grow up.

11. The Light Grows

You need to place two stone tablets by the lighthouse.

12. Together Forever

You need to get married to someone

13. Underground Ubermensch

You need to reach the bottom of the mine (100th floor).

Gold Trophies

1. 5-Star Chef

You need to cook all recipes

2. Crop Connoisseur

You need to harvest all crops. Just

3. Beacon of Light

You need to record all items in the encyclopedia (check the menu).

4. Flower Fanatic

You need to harvest all flowers.

Note: the trophy is achieved by unlocking the encyclopedia entry, so if you've acquired some crops through quest rewards, you don't need to technically "Harvest" them.

5. Legendary Angler

You need to catch all fish.

6. Major Miner

You need to mine all gems and ore

Platinum Trophy

1. Harvest Moon Master

You need to unlock all achievements.

If you have any problems to complete these trophies, you can read a lot of the Harvest Moon: Light of Hope guide that I'd written on this blog, click me.

Source: Truetrophies

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