One of the most important things you need to do in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley is building friendships with other people in the game.
By increasing your friendships with the villagers, you'll unlock random events or heart events with marriage candidates. Ultimately, this will pave the way for saving the town from the threat posed by the Funland company.
Like most games in the Harvest Moon series, increasing the friendship points (FP) of villagers in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley involves simple actions such as interacting, greeting, and giving gifts daily.
To boost friendships quickly, consider giving villagers their favorite gifts, especially on birthdays. This can significantly increase their friendship points in a short amount of time.
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Characters: Birthdays, Likes and Dislikes
I've sorted these lists chronologically by date from the beginning of Spring to the end of Winter. This way, you won't need to scroll up and down or jump around to find what you need.
List of villagers whose birthdays are in the Spring:
Birthday: Spring 1Loves: Golden Milk, Golden Egg
Dislikes: Bugs, Grass, Scrap Metal
Birthday: Spring 5Loves: Jewels, Accessories, Gemstones, Precious Ore
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking
Birthday: Spring 11Loves: Cake, Dairy, Vegetables, Egg Cooking, Seafood, Wine
Dislikes: Grass, Diets
Birthday: Spring 16Loves: Moondrop Herbs
Likes: Plants. Herb Tea
Dislikes: Bad Cooking, Grass, Winter/Cold
Birthday: Spring 27Loves: Blueberries, Full Moon Berry, Pink Cat Mint, Dogs
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking
List of villagers whose birthdays are in the Summer:
Birthday: Summer 1Loves: Cake, Dessert, Golden Egg, Gold Milk, Honey, and other Sweet Items
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking
Birthday: Summer 8Loves: Cranberry, Full Moon Berry, Golden Milk, Wild Mint
Likes: Fruit, Pets
Dislikes: Fodder, Grass, Pink Cat Flowers
Birthday: Summer 10Loves: Lumber, Seafood
Dislikes: Grass, Yogurt
Birthday: Summer 14Likes/Loves: Fossils, Precious Ore
Dislikes: Bugs, Grass, Cheap Ores, Scrap Metal
Birthday: Summer 15Likes: Failed Dishes, Fodder, Grass, Scrap Metal, Weeds
Dislikes: Greedy Folk
Birthday: Summer 21Loves: Dairy Products, Vegetables/Egg Cooking, Seafood
Dislikes: Grass, Bugs
Birthday: Summer 24Loves: Jewelry Accessories, Precious Ore
Dislikes: Scrap Metal
List of villagers whose birthdays are in the Fall:
Birthday: Fall 2Loves: Egg Cooking, Golden Egg, Precious Ore
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking
Birthday: Fall 5Loves: Lumber
Dislikes: Bugs, Fodder, Grass, Scrap Metal
Birthday: Fall 12Loves: Bugs, Cake, Cheese, Eggs
Dislikes: Grass, Spicy Food
Birthday: Fall 20Loves: Golden Egg, Golden Milk, Full Moon Berry, Large Fish, Stardust Flower, Full Moon Berry
Dislikes: Grass
Birthday: Fall 29Loves: Cheese, Full Moon Berry, Mistbloom Flowers
Dislikes: Grass
List of villagers whose birthdays are in the Winter:
Birthday: Winter 2Loves: Golden Egg, Lumber, Precious Ore
Dislikes: Bugs, Bad Cooking, Grass, Potato
Birthday: Winter 9Loves: Blueberry, Frost Pansy, Full Moon Berry
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking, Storms
Birthday: Winter 10Loves: Tomatoes
Dislikes: Bad Cooking, Grass
Birthday: Winter 23Likes: Dairy Cooking, Dessert, Flowers, Gemstones, Ore, Precious Ore, Red Herbs, Seafood, Vegetable Cooking, Fluffy Bread.
Dislikes: Grass, Bad Cooking
Birthday: Winter 25Loves: Cooked dishes, Eggs, Milk, Fine Cheese
Dislikes: Bugs, Grass
Special Characters with Unknown Birthdays:
Harvest Goddess
Loves: Fruit, VegetablesDislikes: When you make a wish on rainy days
Nic (The blue sprite)
Loves: MushroomsDislikes: Dangerous Food
Nak (The red sprite)
Loves: MushroomsDislikes: Dangerous, Animals
Flak (The yellow sprite)
Loves: MushroomsDislikes: Being Hungry, Waking Up
Loves: Fish, SeafoodDislikes: Grass, Scrap Metal
If you've met and acquainted yourself with villagers in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, you can obtain information about their likes and dislikes. Additionally, you can access this information through the "Character Profiles" menu.
If your birthday is the same as one of the villagers, then they will change their birthday. So, you should choose an empty date.
You can intentionally give disliked gifts daily to decrease friendships with villagers or make them dislike you. This may be necessary to trigger Rival Events in the 4th year.
That concludes the list of birthdays and villagers' favorite gifts in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley. If you have any questions, feel free to ask through our social media. Thank you for reading this guide!
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