If you want to propose and marry Alice in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, surely you have to know where you can find her and her daily schedule. Mostly, she spends her time working at Funland Company. So it's a bit difficult to meet her because she is a busy person.
In case you don't know, the Funland company building is located in the Northern part of the valley, in front of the mine. Funland workers can be found there.
One of the things that are quite confusing is when we want to enter the Funland Company. Sometimes we can and sometimes not, even if we can get in, the elevator to Alice's office does not work. There is a "The elevator is broken" notification.
Maybe many questions may come up in your mind, "How do can I enter the Funland company? When is the building open?
Therefore, in this article Droid Harvest will explain clearly how to enter the Funland company so you can meet Alice, Charles, and Renton.
Funland Company's Working Schedule
The most important thing you should know if you want to enter the Funland company is their working schedule.
From Monday to Friday you can enter the Funland company from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM. I think it's the work break. In these hours, you can meet Alice in her office. If you try to get into the Funland company outside these hours, then it will not work.
On Saturdays and Sundays, there will be little change in the schedule. Alice will be out in front of the Funland company to breathe fresh air from 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM. Use these hours to meet Alice because outside of these hours, you will not be able to meet her inside the Funland company.
At 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM, you can enter the Funland Company, but you can only see Charles. You will not be able to use the elevator to Alice's office.
When Charles comes out of the building from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, you can't enter the Funland company. But when he goes back inside at 2:00 PM, you can enter the Funland company back until 5:00 PM. After that hour (5 PM), you can not enter again.
So, on Saturdays and Sundays, you only have a chance to meet Alice at 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM in front of the Funland. Even though you can enter the building outside these hours, but you will not be able to go to her office.
This is because the elevator to her office does not work and always appears a notification saying that "The elevator is broken".
How about in the third year?
If you manage to save the village by the "Best Ending" (You clear the Shoot For The Star/The Greatest Farm in the World event path), then the schedule will be the same as I have explained above.
But if not, they will leave the village and you will not be able to meet them.
That's Funland company's working schedule and how to meet Alice, Renton, and Charles in Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, I hope this article could be useful...