How to Complete All of the Villager Requests in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

Here's how to complete all requests from the villagers in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition for Switch, PS4, PC, and Android.
27 min read

Request from the villager in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope is a mission that you need to complete because of the many benefits you will get.

After completing this request, your friendship points with the villager will increase significantly by almost half a music note. Another advantage is that you can get some rare gift items that are hard to find.

You can sell those items to get money or keep it for another request.

How to Complete All Villager requests Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

You will receive the first request from Jeanne. She asks you to give her a Celery. After you complete this request, you will start to receive another request from other villagers when you require some level of friendship points.

You can check the request through the mailbox in front of your house. But remember, you will only receive one request each day.

For additional information, you can also check the request anytime via a menu that has a 'mail' icon on the top right of the screen.

You have to read it first to get it done. Otherwise, a red exclamation mark (!) will indicate that the request has not been read and can not be completed even though you have the requested item.

If you want to complete the request, the way is simple, you only need to bring the requested item to the villager who asked for the request.

Later, there will be an option where you can give the item to the requester when you talk to him/her.

It looks very easy, but it's not!

To get the requested items is not easy because it requires hard work.

In this article, I will explain what items you need in order to complete all requests from the villager.

List of All Villager Requests in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

This list including all requests along with the rewards you will get if you complete them. It's not complete yet because there are also seasonal requests. If you open this on smartphones, see the table below with the landscape screen for a better experience.

Elise's requests

Requested item
Elise's Cuisine 1 Strawberry 3x Peach pie recipe, Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 2 Milk 2x No-bake Cheese cake recipe, Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 3 Corn 4x Strawberry Mille-Feuille recipe, Cornmeal 4x
Elise's Cuisine 4 Egg 2x Napolitan recipe, Cornmeal 4x
Elise's Cuisine 5 Carrot 3x Pumpkin Potage recipe, Durum Wheat Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 6 Great Milk 2x Green Smoothie recipe, Durum Wheat Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 7 Apple 3x Fish Burger recipe, Barley Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 8 Great Egg 2x Fish and Chip recipe, Barley Flour 4x
Elise's Cuisine 9 3 Purple Asparagus 3x Mixed Berry Cake recipe, Barley Flour 4x

Jeanne's Requests

Requested item
Jeanne's Tonic 1 1 Celery Cabbage seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 2 Onion 2x Celery seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 3 Potato 2x Marguerite seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 4 Wheat 4x Tulip seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 5 Hot pepper 5x Fodder Corn seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 6 Carrot 4x Durum Wheat seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 7 Spinach 4x Carnation seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 8 Broccoli 4x Viola seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 9 Broccolini 4x Scallion seeds 10x
Jeanne's Tonic 10 Cranberry 4x San Marazano seeds

Melanie's requests

Requested item
Melanie's Latest Look 1 Wool 2x 750G
Melanie's Latest Look 2 Wool 4x 1200G
Melanie's Latest Look 3 Donkey Fur 2x 1500G
Melanie's Latest Look 4 Donkey Fur 4x 2250G
Melanie's Latest Look 5 Wool 2x, Donkey Fur 2x 3000G
Melanie's Latest Look 6 Great Wool 2x, Great Donkey Fur 2x 4500G
Melanie's Latest Look 7 2 Cotton Candy Wool 10500G
Melanie's Latest Look 8 Silky Fur 2x 10500G
Melanie's Latest Look 9 Cotton Candy Wool 3x, Silky Fur 3x 10500G
Melanie's Latest Look 10 1 Supreme Wool, 1 Supreme Donkey Fur 10500G

Nova's requests

Requested Item
Grateful Nova 1 1 Bread Iron 5x, Bamboo Shoot 5x
Grateful Nova 2 1 Perch (fish) Bronze Ore 5x, Bamboo Shoot 5x
Grateful Nova 3 1 Egg, Iron 5x Bamboo Shoot 5x
Grateful Nova 4 1 Meuniere (food) Crystal Ore 5x, Seashell 5x
Grateful Nova 5 1 Pizza toast (food) Crystal Ore 5x, Seashell 5x
Grateful Nova 6 1 Tomato Juice Amethyst Ore 2x, Mushroom 2x
Grateful Nova 7 1 Gratin (food) Mithril Ore 5x, Mushroom 5x
Grateful Nova 8 1 Whitefish en Croute (food) Ruby Ore 5x, Mushroom 5x
Grateful Nova 9 1 Trout Acqua Pazza Adamantite Ore 4x, Pretty Seashell 5x

Tabitha's requests

Requested Item
Tabitha's Antics 1 1 Glass Material Yellow Tulip seeds 5x, White Tulip seeds 5x
Tabitha's Antics 2 Glass Material 2x Yellow Dahlia seeds 5x, White Dahlia 5x
Tabitha's Antics 3 Glass Material 5x Great Animal Feed 20x
Tabitha's Antics 4 Agate Ore 2x Great Animal Feed 30x
Tabitha's Antics 5 Crystal Ore 2x Fertilizer 10x, Celery Blend 10x
Tabitha's Antics 6 Crystal Ore 4x Fertilizer 10x, Pepper Blend 10x
Tabitha's Antics 7 Opal Ore 2x 20 Bibit Purple Pansy
Tabitha's Antics 8 Moonstone Ore 2x Delicious Animal Feed 20x, Celery Blend 10x
Tabitha's Antics 9 Sapphire Ore 2x Growth Promoter 10x
Tabitha's Antics 10 1 Diamond Ore Miracle Potion 2x

Cyril's requests

Requested Item
Cyril's Country Life 1 Cornmeal 4x Yellow Perch 2x, Recipe for Regular Bait
Cyril's Country Life 2 Regular Bait 10x Rainbow Trout 3x, 1600G
Cyril's Country Life 3 Regular Bait 10x Fodder Corn seeds 10x, Recipe for Good Bait, 2000G
Cyril's Country Life 4 Good Bait 10x San Marazano seeds 10x, 3000G
Cyril's Country Life 5 Olive Flounder (fish) 2x Goby 2x, Recipe for Exellent Bait, 4000G
Cyril's Country Life 6 Exellent Bait 2x Bullhead 3x, 6000G
Cyril's Country Life 7 Exellent Bait 4x Orange Pepper seeds 10x, Recipe for Delectable Fish Feed, 6000G
Cyril's Country Life 8 Delectable Fish Feed 4x Cranberry seeds 10x, Recipe for Fertilizer Fish Feed, 14000G
Cyril's Country Life 9 Fertilizer Fish Feed 4x Sea Bream 4x, Recipe for Tropical Feed, 14000G
Cyril's Country Life 10 Tropical Fish Feed 4x Righteye Flounder 2x, Recipe for Ragnarok Fish Feed, 20000G

Dean's requests

Requested Item
Dean's Fertilizer 1 Compost 5x Growth Promoter 10x
Dean's Fertilizer 2 Compost 10x Cabbage Blend 10x, Tomato Blend 10x, Recipe for Fertilizer 1
Dean's Fertilizer 3 Fertilizer 10x Cabbage S. Blend 10x, Tomato S. Blend 10x
Dean's Fertilizer 4 Compost 15x, Hot pepper 2x Pepper Blend 10x, Berry Blend 10x, Recipe for Fertilizer 2
Dean's Fertilizer 5 Fertilizer 30x Pepper S. Blend 5x, Berry S. Blend 5x
Dean's Fertilizer 6 Compost 5x, Watermelon 2x Asparagus Blend 10x, Melon Blend 10x, Recipe for Fertilizer 3
Dean's Fertilizer 7 Compost 8x, Wool 2x Asparagus S. Blend 5x, Melon S. Blend 5x
Dean's Fertilizer 8 Compost 8x, Seashell 2x Growth Promoter 10x, Promoter 10x, Recipe for Fertilizer 4
Dean's Fertilizer 9 Compost 8x, Alligator Gar (fish) 2x Growth Promoter Super 5x, Retention Super 5x

Edmond's requests

Requested Item
Edmond's Toils 1 Cabbage 2x Cabbage seeds 10x, Cabbage Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 2 Celery 2x Celery seeds 10x, Celery Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 3 Green pepper 2x Tomato seeds 10x, Tomato Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 4 Corn 2x Green pepper seeds 10x, Peppper Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 5 Carrot 2x Potato seeds 10x, Potato Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 6 Pumpkin 2x Spinach seeds 10x, Spinach Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 7 Cabbage Blend 4x White Celery seeds 10x, Celery Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 8 Orange pepper 4x Asparagus seeds 10x, Asparagus Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 9 Scallion Blend 10x Blueberry seeds 10x, Blueberry Blend 10x
Edmond's Toils 10 San Marazano seeds 10x Purple Asparagus seeds 10x, Asparagus Blend 10x

Gabriel's requests

Requested Item
Gabriel's Animal Feed 1 Corn 5x Great Milk 2x, Great Butter 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 2 Animal Feed 10x Great Milk 2x, Great Cheesee 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 3 Animal Feed 5x Great Egg 2x, Great Yogurt 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 4 Cornmeal 4x Great Egg 2x, Great Mayonnaise 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 5 Fodder Cornmeal 5x Great Wool 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 6 Yellow Perch (fish) 2x Great Donkey Fur 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 7 Fodder Cornmeal 10x Great Chocolate Milk 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 8 Fodder Cornmeal 15x G. Cotton Candy Wool 2x, G. Silky Fur 2x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 9 Delicious Animal Feed 10x Ultimate Candy Egg 4x
Gabriel's Animal Feed 10 1 Alligator Gar Ulti. Milk 2x, Ulti. Chocolate Milk 2x

Gareth's requests

Requested Item
Gareth's Inquiry 1 1 Jade Corn seeds 10x
Gareth's Inquiry 2 1 Fluorite Fodder Corn seeds 10x
Gareth's Inquiry 3 1 Agate Regular Bait 20x
Gareth's Inquiry 4 1 Opal Good Bait 20x
Gareth's Inquiry 5 1 Crystal Retention Agent 10x, Herbicide 2x
Gareth's Inquiry 6 1 Peridot Growth Promoter 10x, Herbicide 2x
Gareth's Inquiry 7 1 Moonstone Baby Asparagus seeds 10x
Gareth's Inquiry 8 1 Onyx Tropical Fish Feed 5x
Gareth's Inquiry 9 1 Amethyst Retention Agent 10x, Herbicide 2x
Gareth's Inquiry 10 1 Emerald Growth Promoter 10x, Herbicide 2x

Bastian's requests

Requested Item
Bastian's F.t.T 1 Perch 2x Resep Baguette, 4 Great Flour
Bastian's F.t.T 2 Yellow Perch 2x Rainbow Troute en Croute recipe, Great Flour 4x
Bastian's F.t.T 3 Potato 4x, Onion 2x Potato Salad recipe, Great Durum Flour 4x
Bastian's F.t.T 4 Broccoli 4x, Spinach 2x Margherita Pizza recipe, Great Durum Flour 4x
Bastian's F.t.T 5 Peach 2x, Apple 2x, Orange 2x Vichyssoise recipe, Great Barley Flour 4x
Bastian's F.t.T 6 Orange Pepper 2x, Asparagus 2x, Celery 2x Trout Cream Pasta recipe, Great Durum Flour 4x

Carol's requests

Requested Item
Carol's Flowers 1 Tulip 4x Great Marguerite 4x
Carol's Flowers 2 Marguerite 4x Great Tulip 4x
Carol's Flowers 3 Pink Dahlia 4x Great Marguerite 4x
Carol's Flowers 4 Sunflower 4x Yellow Dahlia 4x
Carol's Flowers 5 Cosmos 4x Great Sunflower 4x
Carol's Flowers 6 Carnation 4x Great Sunny Red 4x
Carol's Flowers 7 Pink Pansy 4x Great Pink Carnation 4x
Carol's Flowers 8 Viola 4x Great Yellow Pansy 4x

Doc's requests

Requested Item
Doc's Invention 1 Glass 2x, Material Stone 2x 10 Compost 10x
Doc's Invention 2 Iron 2x, Material Stone 2x Material Stone 10x
Doc's Invention 3 Softwood 2x, Hardwood Lumber 2x Softwood Lumber 10x
Doc's Invention 4 Bronze 2x, Softwood Lumber 5x Glass Material 10x
Doc's Invention 5 Silver 2x, Hardwood Lumber 3x Mithril 3x
Doc's Invention 6 Mithril 2x, Hardwood Lumber 5x Hardwood Lumber 10x
Doc's Invention 7 Gold 2x, 1 Moonstone Pink Diamond 3x
Doc's Invention 8 Orichalcum 2x, 1 Adamantite Adamantite 3x

Gus's requests

Requested Item
Gus's Ore 1 Iron 2x Tomato seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 2 Iron 2x Tomato seeds 15
Gus's Ore 3 Bronze Ore 2x Carrot seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 4 Silver Ore 2x Hot pepper seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 5 Gold Ore 2x Broccoli seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 6 Gold Ore 2x Blueberry seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 7 Mithryl Ore 2x Gooseberry seeds 15x
Gus's Ore 8 Orichalcum Ore 2x Blackcurrant seeds 15x

Michael's requests

Requested Item
Michael Mainly Move 1 1 Potato Salad Softwood Lumber 10x
Michael Mainly Move 2 1 Fried Egg Softwood Lumber 20x
Michael Mainly Move 3 1 Meuniere (food) Glass Material 10x
Michael Mainly Move 4 1 Milk Iron Ore 5x, Seashell 2x
Michael Mainly Move 5 1 Sweet Corn Bronze Ore 5x, Seashell 2x
Michael Mainly Move 6 1 Pumpkin Potage (masakan) Hardwood Lumber 10x, Seashell 4x

Naomi's requests

Requested Item
Naomi's Scoop 1 Egg 2x Milk 2x, 750G
Naomi's Scoop 2 Cheese 2x 1200G
Naomi's Scoop 3 Mystic Herb 4x 1500G
Naomi's Scoop 4 Donkey Fur 4x 2250G
Naomi's Scoop 5 Great Milk 2x, Great Cheesee 2x 3000G
Naomi's Scoop 6 Great Milk 2x, Great Yogurt 2x 4500G

Sally's requests

Requested Item
Sally's Harvest Sprites 1 1 Bread Mushroom 5x, Seashell 5x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 2 1 Strawberry Cake Softwood Lumber 5x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 3 Sardine 4x Mushroom 5x, Seashell 5x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 4 White Dahliad 2x Iron Ore 5x, Glass Material 3x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 5 1 Great Cheesee Pointsettia 5x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 6 Pretty Seashell 2x Softwood 5x, Hardwood Lumber 2x
Sally's Harvest Sprites 7 Chocolate Milk 2x Onyx 5x, 1 Moonstone
Sally's Harvest Sprites 8 1 Blueberry Chocolate Pie Mihtril Ore 5x, Adamantite Ore 5x

Sam's requests

Requested Item
Sam's Family 1 1 Crystal 500G
Sam's Family 2 1 Amethyst 800G
Sam's Family 3 1 Pink Rose 1000G
Sam's Family 4 Wool 4x 1500G
Sam's Family 5 Moonstone 2x 2000G
Sam's Family 6 Silky Fur 4x 3000G
Sam's Family 7 1 Ruby 7000G
Sam's Family 8 Goldberry 10000G

Sofia's requests

Requested Item
Sofia's Special Feed 1 Animal Feed 10x Cornmeal 5x, 250G
Sofia's Special Feed 2 Animal Feed 20x Cornmeal 10x, 400G
Sofia's Special Feed 3 Animal Feed 40x Fodder Cornmeal 5x, 500G
Sofia's Special Feed 4 Great Animal Feed 10x Fodder Cornmeal 10x, 750G
Sofia's Special Feed 5 Great Animal Feed 20x Sweet Cornmeal 5x, 1000G
Sofia's Special Feed 6 Animal Feed 20x, Great Animal Feed 40x Sweet Cornmeal 10x, 1500G
Sofia's Special Feed 7 Delicious Animal Feed 10x Sunset Cornmeal 10x, 3500G
Sofia's Special Feed 8 Delicious Animal Feed 10x, Great Animal Feed 20x Yellow Cornmeal 10x, 5000G

Harvest God's requests

Requested Item
Harvest God's Gifts 1 Watermelon 4x Olive Flounder,1 Blessed Flour, Blissful Bread recipe
Harvest God's Gifts 2 Durum Wheat 4x Cranberry 5x, 1 Blessed Flour
Harvest God's Gifts 3 Baby Asparagus 4x San Marazano 5x, 1 Blessed Flour
Harvest God's Gifts 4 Magic pepper 4x Cod 3x, 1 Blessed Flour

Harvest Goddess's requests

Requested Item
Harvest Goddess's Whimsy 1 1 White Fish en Croute (food) White Rose seeds 10x, 1 Blessed Flour, Blissful Bread recipe
Harvest Goddess's Whimsy 1 1 Mixed Berry Cake Pink Rose seeds 10x, 1 Blessed Flour

Gorgan's requests

Requested Item
Gorgan's Wish 1 Great White Rose 4x, Great Blue Rose 4x Watermelon seeds 10x, 1 Blessed Flour, Blissful Bread recipe
Gorgan's Wish 2 Great Pink Rose 4x, Great Red Rose 4x Durum Wheat seeds 10x, 1 Blessed Flour

That's the list, as well as How to Complete All of the Villager Requests in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. I will update this article immediately if there is something wrong information. If you have a problem to find the requested items above, you can read some guides which I had discussed before:

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