Building Repairs and Upgrades - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition Gude for Switch, PS4, PC, and Android - Building repairs and upgrades.

One of your main tasks to restore Beacon Island back to the glory days is to repair the buildings which have been damaged by the storm.

This guide will give you an overview of which buildings can be repaired or upgraded in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, as well as any materials needed to do so.

That's right, now you not only work as a Farmer but at the same time you are a Carpenter.

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide: Building repairs and upgrades

Many of these buildings are fairly easy to repair, but some are difficult because it requires material from the mines.

By repairing the houses will make villagers come back to the Island, allowing you to continue the quest and rebuild the store.

Repairing a bridge will give you access or open a new area. While if you repair the Chicken Coop, Animal Barn, Fertilizer Bin, and Windmill, allow you to use it.

How to Upgrade Buildings in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

There are 3 buildings that you can upgrade, i.e your House, Chicken Coop, and Animal Barn. If you want to upgrade all of that, you can ask the help from Doc's architect.

Talk to him when he is at home from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, except Sundays. For the material needed and cost, I will explain it in the table below.

The first upgrade of your house (large) will be available right after you repair Doc's house, while the second upgrade (giant), chicken coop, and the animal barn are available once you've finished the main story.

The Advantages of Upgrading Buildings

When you upgrade your house for the first time, you can pet Bobcat. Whereas if you've upgraded the house a second time, you can get married and have children.

On the other hand, the advantage of upgrading the coop/barn allows you to raise 15 animals from initially 5 only.

Read also: Animals - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Guide

List of Building Repairs and Upgrades - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

See the tables below with a landscape screen for you who read this on mobile.


Needed Materials
Animal Barn 30 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone 1500G
Chicken Coop 20 Softwood Lumber, 7 Material Stone 1000G
Fertilizer Bin 20 Softwood Lumber 500G
Windmill 20 Softwood Lumber, 2 Iron 1000G
Bridge 1 10 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Silver 200G
Bridge 2 10 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Silver 1000G
Bridge 3 20 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Adamantite, 3 Cotton Candy Wool 50000G
Well 5 Softwood Lumber, 5 Stone, 3 Bronze 1000G

Building Upgrades

Needed Materials
Large House (Lv.2) 40 Hardwood Lumber, 5 Mihtril, 10 Glass 85000G
Giant House (Lv.3) 50 Hardwood Lumber, 5 Great Cotton Candy Wool, 3 Adamantite 180000G
Chicken Coop Lv.2 20 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Gold, 1 Adamantite 100000G
Big Animal Barn (Lv.2) 30 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Mithril, 2 Adamantite 120000G


Needed Materials
Doc's Architect 10 Material Stone, 3 Iron, 2 Glass 1000G
Hot Spring 5 Hardwood Lumber 500G
Bridge 1 (to the Sofia's Livestock) 5 Hardwood Lumber, 2 Stone 600G
Sofia's Livestock 5 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone 300G
Bridge 2 (to the Gus's Smithy) 5 Hardwood Lumber 600G
Gus's Smithy 20 Softwood Lumber 500G
Mine 10 Softwood Lumber 500G
Bridge (to the H.G Spring) 5 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone 1000G
Bridge (Waterfall) 5 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone 1000G
Fertilizer Bin 20 Hardwood Lumber 1000G
Windmill 10 Hardwood Lumber, 2 Bronze 3000G
Well 10 Material Stone, 5 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Orichalcum 1000G

Beacon Town

Needed Materials
Bastian's Restaurat 5 Stone, 2 Perch/Yellow Perch 1000G
Carol's Flowers 7 Softwood Lumber 200G
Cyril's House 10 Softwood Lumber, 5 Stone, 3 Tulip 1500G
Gareth's House 10 Softwood Lumber, 20 Stone 300G
Sam's Store 7 Softwood Lumber 100G
Tabitha's House 10 Softwood Lumber, 20 Stone 300G

Lighthouse Outlook

Needed Materials
Bridge 1 (Fishing Spot) 30 Hardwood, 10 Softwood Lumber, 5 Donkey Fur 5000G
Bridge 2 (to the Underworld) 10 Stone Material, 30 Stone, 2 Mithril 5000G


Needed Materials
Nova's Shop by The Sea 10 Hardwood, 30 Softwood Lumber 3000G
Bridge (Swamp) 20 Hardwood Lumber, 2 Gold 200G
Bridge (Fishing Spot) 30 Material Stone, 3 Iron, 2 Mithril 5000G
Bridge (to the Beach: Eastern Area) 20 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Adamantite, 2 Silky Fur 50000G

Additional information:

Fertilizer Bin: serves to convert the compost into Fertilizer, Blend, or Super Blend which is used as plant fertilizer.

Windmill: serves to make flour, fish bait, and better quality of animal feed. You can also keep them here.

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