How to Increase Heart Stamina into Maximum in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

How do I get more heart stamina? How to increase stamina in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. This will help you to figure it out.

In this article, we will talk about how to increase stamina in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. Because it is indeed one secret that we have to know.

Imagine that if we do mining and farming activities on a large scale every day, but we only have 5 hearts stamina, it's suck!

Definitely, you will need a lot of food to recover your stamina. Or at least you have to soak (bathe) your body on hot springs in the mountains to restore it.

How to Increase Stamina in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

Therefore, increasing the number of heart stamina is very important. More stamina means it's easy for you to do your job as a farmer.

But the question is, how we do it? Is it the same as HM: Seeds of Memories? Or we need to find Power Berries like most Harvest Moon games?

Because we know that Power Berry is a fruit that can increase stamina in some of the Harvest Moon series developed by Marvelous.

The answer is No...

It wasn't like that at all! In Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, Natsume offers a somewhat different way to increase your stamina. In this article, we will explain to you what we know...

Requirements to Increase Stamina in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

  • You need to complete the main quest or storyline.
  • You need to befriend Harvest God, Harvest Goddess, and Gorgan, increase their music notes up to 5 if you can.
  • Completing the requests from them.

For those of you who have a problem with boosting friendship points, this probably helps Birthdays and Villager's Favorite Gifts in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

That's the concise explanation. Here's the detail...

How to Increase Heart Stamina to Maximum in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope

After increasing a few music notes, precisely a minimum of one and a half, you will start receiving a request from Harvest God, Harvest Goddess, or Gorgan.

After you finish the first request from them, you will get a Blissful Bread Recipe and Blessed Flour as rewards. Harvest God, Goddess, and Gorgan can give you these rewards.

You will learn how to make Blissful Bread from that recipe, and you need 2 Blessed Flour.

Keep completing the requests from Harvest God, Goddess, and Gorgan to get a Blessed Flour. Completing one request will give you 1 Blessed Flour.

But remember, you will only get 1 request through the mail every day. If today you have already completed a request, a new request will appear on the next day.

And I think requests from characters (humans) will take precedence over the request from the gods. So most likely, you'll have to wait several days to receive another request from Harvest God, Harvest Goddess, or Gorgan.

My advice is that you should stop completing requests from villagers for a while.

How is the request going to be? How to complete their requests?

Just check the requests via the 'mail ' menu. We have written some of them here: how to complete all the villager requests in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

When you already have a Blissful Bread recipe and a minimum of 2 Blessed Flour, you can make or cook Blissful Bread in the kitchen.

If you don't know how to cook, read here: Cooking Guide - Harvest Moon: Light of Hope.

Once you eat this Blissful Bread, your energy will restore to the maximum. Not only that, your stamina will increase one heart!

So initially, you have 5 hearts' stamina, then after eating a Blissful Bread, it will be increased to 6 and so on.

As for the maximum stamina that you can have are 10 hearts!

That's How to Increase Heart Stamina to the maximum in Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. I hope this article could be helpful.

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